Efficient heating with modern heaters
A modern heating system provides pleasant warmth and works very efficiently. This is made possible by complementary components and suitable accessories.
Suitable accessories facilitate heating installation and operation |
The right heating accessories enable easy installation and safe operation of heating systems of all kinds. This is ensured, for example, by reliable safety devices, mixers and control valves. Membrane expansion tanks for heating, drinking water and solar are also useful heating accessories, as well as the matching cap valves, wall brackets and tank connection groups. In addition to state-of-the-art and energy-efficient circulation pumps, there are also suitable screw connections for pumps, as well as seals, check valves and other connection accessories. Other components, such as heating distributors and underfloor heating manifolds distribute the heat to the individual radiators or to the various heating circuits.
The heating output can come from conventional radiators, a surface heating system or, for example, also heated skirting boards.
If necessary, heat exchangers allow heating systems and other components to connect to each other,
without the possibility of mixing the different media during heat exchange. Trapped air in heating systems can not only cause disturbing noises in
pipes and radiators, but also cause damage to the system. If trapped air bubbles are present in the
solar system circuit, the system sometimes works less effectively and may be prone to malfunctioning. Therefore, it is advisable
to keep the heating and solar system free of trapped air bubbles through effective ventilators.
Kamin- und Pelletöfen sorgen für wohlige Wärme |
Kaminöfen und Pelletöfen erfreuen sich bereits seit Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit. Das sichtbare Kaminfeuer sorgt nicht nur für Gemütlichkeit, auch die von den Öfen abgestrahlte Wärme wird oftmals als besonders angenehm empfunden. Das Heizen mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie Holz oder Holzpellets genießt zudem ein positives Image. Hierbei kann jedoch nicht nur der Aufstellraum selbst mit dem Ofen beheizt werden, sondern bei Modellen mit Wassertasche auch Energie an die vorhandene Heizungsanlage abgegeben werden. Das vorschriftsmäßige Aufstellen und der Anschluss der Kamin- und Pelletöfen gelingt am besten mit dem passenden Zubehör. Accessoires und Anzündmaterial, wie etwa Kaminbestecke und Kaminanzünder, ermöglichen den problemlosen und komfortablen Betrieb des Ofens.
Utilise geothermal energy and solar energy |
Solar technology and geothermal energy includes components, system components and accessories that enable the use of geothermal or solar energy. Above all, the installation of solar systems for heating service water or for heating support is a popular and effective measure to further reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.Pipe collectors or flat collectors convert solar energy into thermal energy, which can be stored or made available to the heating circuit. Complete solar packages contain all the components required for building a solar system, and are available in various designs.
Suitable spare parts allow safe operation |
Components of heating systems are sometimes exposed to high loads during operation, so it is all the more important to have a reliable supply with suitable spare parts for firing and heating. Even high-quality heating components break down due to wear and must then be replaced by a suitable replacement part. This can affect both gas and oil heating, but also regulators, pumps and underfloor heating distributors. When it comes to the maintenance of heating systems, wear parts often require replacing at regular intervals. This includes parts such as oil burner nozzles, oil filter inserts and ignition electrodes in oil heating, but also various components of gas heating systems. The right spare part extends the life of the system and enables safe operation.
Safe oil installations with modern components |
Components for oil installations enable safe storage of heating oil and ensure reliable oil supply to the heating system. Modern heating oil tanks, which can be combined in the form of battery tanks, can be used in the modernisation of existing oil heating systems or in new buildings. A reliable connection is ensured by appropriate connection accessories, such as filling and emptying pipes together with suitable filling pipe seals and vents. Copper oil pipes, anti-siphon valves, heating oil filters and heating oil deaerators ensure the secure connection of the oil tank and the oil boiler. Specialised maintenance tolls for heating oil enables the servicing of heating oil tank systems and oil supply.