Congratulations on passing the exam

Are you a newly qualified journeyman in the field of plant mechanics for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology or a master plumber and heating engineer? 

Then we want to give you a gift!
We know that the craft profession requires a lot of skill, expertise and passion - which is why we are particularly pleased when someone puts themselves at the service of the trade. 


Whether journeyman or master craftsman – as a competent partner, we want to be at the side of our specialist tradesmen in every phase. All the nicer when there is something to celebrate! We would like to give you a gift for this. 


And it's that easy: Simply fill out the form on this page and upload your master craftsman's or journeyman's certificate.

Participation form

*Mandatory field

Participation and general conditions:

  • Acquisition of the master craftsman or journeyman title within the last 12 months in Germany/Austria. The day on which the form arrives in full is decisive for this.
  • Exact job titles are journeyman in the field of plant mechanics for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology as well as master plumber and heating engineer
  • Resident in Germany/Austria
  • Shipping only within Germany/Austria
  • Each master or journeyman can only receive the gift once 
  • The first and last name in the entry form must match the first and last name on the uploaded master craftsman's or journeyman's certificate